2024 Week 2 Discussion: Ethical Relativism and the Social Contract

2024 Week 2 Discussion: Ethical Relativism and the Social Contract

Nursing Assignment Help

Step 1Choose either Option A or Option B and post a 150+ word discussion by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT,Be specific and give examples,using at least two outside references, to buttress your argument. Cite all sources in APA format.Option A:“Ethical relativism is an excuse for laissez faire morality – anything goes as long as it is what I want.”Discussion:Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical concepts referred to in this statement.Option B:“The institutions of the government serve the people in government rather than their constituents.”Discussion:Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical concepts referred to in this statement.Week 2The Discussions this week ask that you think about the ethics of life, both in general and how they are practically applied by people on the street and by people in our government(s). Be creative in your thinking.