Article Review 2024

Article Review 2024

Psychology Assignment Help

1-2 page single spaced pages in 12-point font.Reference: Listed at the top of the paper in APA style.INTRODUCTION should contain:* A thorough literature review that establishes the nature of the problem to be addressed in the present study(the literature review is specific to the problem)*The literature review is current (within 5 years)A logical sequence from what we know (the literature review) to what we don’t know (the unanswered questions raised by the review and what this study intended to answer)* the purpose of the present study*the hypothesis/research questions*State the overall purpose of the  paper*What new ideas or info were communicated in the paper*Why was it important to publish these ideas?METHODS. The methods section has three subsections. It should contain:* The participants and population they intended to represent* The number of participants and how they were selected*A description of the tools/measures used and research design employedRESULTS: The results should contain a thorough summary of results of all analysesDISCUSSION: The discussion is where the author “wraps up the research.”* A simple and easy to understand summary of what was found.