2024 Week 6: Initial Discussion Board Posting
2024 Week 6: Initial Discussion Board Posting
Nursing Assignment Help
– APA STYLE- MUST HAVE 2 REFERENCES THE ONE ATTACHED AND ONE THAT YOU MUST SEARCH IT MUST BE **PEER REVIEW** THE ARTICLE MUST BE FROM A **CREDIBLE SOURCE ** CANNOT BE OLDER THAN 5 YEARS OLD AND MUST HAVE A DOI!- ONE PAGE MINIMUMScenario: You have just mentored a group of medical-surgical nurses on your unit through an Evidence-Based Project (EBP) aimed at addressing the Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPI) rate. You want to disseminate the results quickly to let the world know of your team’s successes. The team recognizes the results need to be disseminated internally and submit an abstract at a local, state, or national level nurses’ organization/conference.Describe the next steps to disseminate this evidence internally.Discuss how a master prepared nurse would determine the best place to disseminate this information outside of the organization (externally).