30 questions 2024

30 questions 2024

30 questions 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Answer each of these questions providing a citation under the answer not on a reference page.1. Edward Lee Thorndike: Summarize the nature of animal research prior to Thorndike’s efforts. In what way was Thorndike’s research different from that which preceded it? Include in or your answer a discussion of Morgan’s canon.

(10.0 Points)2. Edward Lee Thorndike: Assuming Thorndike’s revised law of effect to be valid, do you feel classroom practice in the United States is in accordance with it? Child-rearing practices? Explain. (10.0 Points)3. Edward Lee Thorndike: Discuss Thorndike’s principles of belongingness and polarity.

(10.0 Points)4. Burrhus Frederic Skinner: Outline the procedure you would use while following Skinner’s theory to increase the probability that a child would become a creative adult. (10.0 Points)5. Burrhus Frederic Skinner:Are there some forms of adult human behavior for which you feel Skinner’s theory is not applicable? Explain.

(10.0 Points)6. Burrhus Frederic Skinner:Propose an explanation for the partial reinforcement effect. (10.0 Points)7. Clark Leonard Hull: According to Hull’s theory, what effect would increasing the size of the reinforcer have on learning? Explain. (10.0 Points)8. Clark Leonard Hull: What is a habit family hierarchy? (10.

0 Points)9. Clark Leonard Hull: Explain chaining from Hull’s point-of-view. (10.0 Points)10. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov: Briefly describe the following: acquisition of a conditioned response, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination, and higher-order conditioning. (10.0 Points)11.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov: Describe how conditioned emotional responses (CERs) are used in index the strength of CS-US associations. (10.0 Points)12. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov: What is the Garcia effect? (10.0 Points)13. Edwin Ray Guthrie: What law of association did Guthrie build his theory around? Describe this law and explain how the recency principle is deduced from it.

(10.0 Points)14. Edwin Ray Guthrie: How did Guthrie explain forgetting? (10.0 Points)15. Edwin Ray Guthrie: How would Guthrie explain the development of a drug addiction? (10.0 Points)16. William Kaye Estes: Describe Estes’s scanning model of decision making. (10.0 Points)17. William Kaye Estes: List some advantages and disadvantages of statistical learning theory.

(10.0 Points)18. William Kaye Estes: Regarding the learning process, briefly describe the incremental (continuity) position, the all-or-none (noncontinuity) position, and the compromise position that would accent both continuity and noncontinuity at different times or for different reasons. (10.0 Points)19.

Gestalt Theory: Discuss the term isomorphism as it was used in Gestalt theory. (10.0 Points)20. Gestalt Theory: Distinguish between geographical and behavioral environments. Which of the two did the Gestalt theories believe was the more important determinant of behavior? Explain why you do or do not agree with the Gestalt theorist on this matter.

(10.0 Points)21. Gestalt Theory: What is meant by the statement “For the Gestalt psychologist, leaning is basically a perceptual phenomenon?” (10.0 Points)22. Jean Piaget: Explain why Piaget’s view of intelligence is called genetic epistemology. (0.0 Points)23. Jean Piaget: Give and explain an example of an experience that involves both assimilation and accommodation.

(10.0 Points)24. Jean Piaget: Describe the educational implications of Piaget’s theory. (10.0 Points)25. Edward Tolman: Why can Tolman’s theory be considered a combination of Gestalt psychology and behaviorism? (10.0 Points)26. Edward Tolman: For Tolman, is reinforcement a learning or a performance variable? Explain.

(10.0 Points)27. Edward Tolman: Describe, according to Tolman, what events take place as an animal is learning to solve a maze. Incorporate as many of Tolman’s theoretical terms into your answer as possible. (10.0 Points)28. Albert Bandura: Define the terms vicarious reinforcement and vicarious punishment, and explain their importance to Bandura’s theory.

(10.0 Points)29. Albert Bandura: List and explain several mechanisms that allow a person to act immorally without experiencing self-contempt. (10.0 Points)30. Albert Bandura: Describe how modeling is used to reduce or eliminate a phobia. Which procedure did Bandura find most effective in treating phobias? (10.