Online Assignment 2024

Online Assignment 2024

Online Assignment 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Online Success AssignmentBefore completing this assignment, be sure to read the articles by Waschull (2005) and Roper (2007) provided in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder. Your assignment must be 3–4 pages, not including the title page or the reference page, and include the articles on the reference page.

Current apa format

This assignment will give you an introductory look at current APA format and research in Psychology and will help you plan for success in this course.Part 1—Create a title page.1. Create a title page using current APA format, and include the title of your paper, your name, your university affiliation, a running head, and page numbers.

2. Use the following pages of this document as a guide for what the style should look like for the pages of your document.Part 2—Write a 3–4-page paper that addresses each of the following components.1. What have you learned about factors related to success in online education from reading the articles by Waschull (2005) and Roper (2007)?2.

How can you specifically incorporate these factors related to online success in this course?3. Roper (2007) indicated that students who were successful noted that they designated (in advance) specific times to read, complete assignments/quizzes, and interact with classmates. Using this as a foundation, develop a specific weekly plan that you can follow that details when you will complete the requirements of this course.

Include each of the following in your plan:o Review the requirements outlined in the Syllabus and Course Schedule and write a weekly plan/timetable that designates times when you will read each module/week, when you will review/study, when you will complete discussion boards/assignments, and when you will complete quizzes.

o Reflect on your roles and responsibilities to family, work, and life, and discuss how those will interact with the fulfillment of your plan outlined above. Describe your plan for designating time to this course considering those responsibilities.o Create a table that outlines a sample module/week and how you have designated time to your varying responsibilities.

NOTE: Be realistic in your planning, but also know that success in this course will require that you carve out and dedicate time to reading, studying, and completing quizzes and assignments.Part 3—Create a page for references.1. Create a reference page for the articles by Waschull (2005) and Roper (2007).