Week 2 Discussion 2024

Week 2 Discussion 2024

Week 2 Discussion 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resources on your own before you bid. The main reference comes from Sinacola, R. S., Peters-Strickland, T., & Wyner, J. D. (2020). You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation regarding treatment. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas.

Peer-reviewed articles

Remember to use scholarly research from peer-reviewed articles that are current.Sources such as Wikipedia, Ask.com, PsychCentral, and similar sites are never acceptable.Please remember that resources used must be from peer-reviewed resources such as academic journals. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas.

Please follow the instructions to get full credit for the discussion. I need this completed by 12/09/20 at 6pm.Discussion – Week 2MedicationsOne of the important things to consider is this fact: Every substance put on or in the body has the potential for side effects. Side effects tell you that something is in/on your body that is outside of homeostasis and alerts you to check it out and determine how to get rid of its toxic effects or learn to live with it.

 Side effects range from unnoticeable to extremely difficult to manage. Your role as a counselor is to monitor those effects that your clients are experiencing and help them figure out how to wait them out or help them take back an important discussion of concern to their prescriber. It is not your role ever to tell your clients to stop using or modify the use of medication; those conversations are outside of your scope of practice and could cause grave harm to the client.

Remember, as clinicians, your work is much more than medication monitoring. You have a vital role in unearthing what the root causes of the mental health and substance use disorders are and in helping the client to address those causes and resulting consequences.To prepare for the Discussion:Review Chapters 2 and 3 of the textbook.

Review the media pieces listed in the Learning Resources.Review the expectations in the Discussion RubricChoose two websites from the Handout “Academic, Scientific and Professional Sites for Researching Medications”, found in this week’s Learning Resources.By Day 3Respond to the following prompts.

What are the pros and cons of each site you chose?Where does each site get its information?What makes the site academic and reputable?What did you notice was different about each site when you entered the same medication (e.g., diazepam) into each?Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Mental health professionals

Required ResourcesSinacola, R. S., Peters-Strickland, T., & Wyner, J. D. (2020). Basic psychopharmacology for mental health professionals (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.· Chapter 2, “Basic Neurobiology”· Chapter 3, “Psychopharmacology and Pharmacokinetics”Document: Academic, Scientific, and Professional Sites for Researching Medications (Word Document)Required MediaCrashCourse (2015, February 23).

The nervous system, part 1: Crash Course A&P #8 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/qPix_X-9t7ENote: The approximate length of this media piece is 11 minutes.CrashCourse (2015, March 2). The nervous system, part 2 – Action! Potential: Crash Course A&P #9 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.

be/OZG8M_ldA1MNote: The approximate length of this media piece is 12 minutesCrashCourse (2015, March 10). The nervous system, part 3 – Synapses!: Crash Course A&P #10 [Video file].  Retrieved from https://youtu.be/VitFvNvRIIYNote: The approximate length of this media piece is 11 minutes.Laureate Education (Producer).

(2018). Assessing your instructor feedback [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Note: The approximate length of this video is 4 minutes.Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download TranscriptOptional ResourcesInside Science. (n.d.) Human. Retrieved June 11, 2019, from https://www.

Org/humanneuroscience news

insidescience.org/humanNeuroscience News. (n.d.) Retrieved June 11, 2019, from https://neurosciencenews.com/Scientific American. (n.d.) Mind. Retrieved June 11, 2019, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/mind/Science Daily. (n.d.) Mind and brain news. Retrieved June 11, 2019, from https://www.sciencedaily.

com/news/mind_brain/ScienceNews. (n.d.) Retrieved June 11, 2019, from https://www.sciencenews.orgTED. (2013, January). David Anderson: Your brain is more than a bag of chemicals [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/david_anderson_your_brain_is_more_than_a_bag_of_chemicalsNote: The approximate length of this media piece is 15 minutes.

TED. (2017, April). Rebecca Brachman: A new class of drug that could prevent depression and PTSD [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/rebecca_brachman_a_new_class_of_drug_that_could_prevent_depression_and_ptsdNote: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.