2024 DQ response 2 16/1

2024 DQ response 2 16/1

Nursing Assignment Help

Rommel LantajoPosted DateJun 23, 2022, 12:24 AMUnreadVirag et al. (2021) explains that it is essential to optimize and stabilize hemodynamics in patients with sepsis and septic shock. The impact of hypoperfusion caused by delay and inadequate treatment is enormous and clinically can affect the patient’s outcome (Virag et al., 2021). Therefore, the early optimization and stabilization of the patient hemodynamics is a vital component in the patient’s meaningful recovery (Virag et al., 2021). In the patient group cohort that is being admitted for cardiogenic shock, the need for early stabilization and intervention is likewise important to avoid hypoperfusion (Brener et al., 2020). The assumption for the medical and surgical unit can monitor the non-invasive blood pressure and portable pulse oximetry are the most common hemodynamic values available for the bedside staff.The hemodynamic discussion should be designed for entry level nurses working at the medical-surgical floor units. The lecture should be written in the following outline:Method of dissemination: Formal classroom presentation using PowerPointLecture objectives:Be able to demonstrate understanding on the importance and need for early hemodynamic stabilization.Rationale: The content of this discussion will explain and emphasize the need and clinical impact of early intervention and stabilization of hemodynamics to patient outcomes.Be able to demonstrate understanding the basic parameters of hemodynamics that are likely available at the medical-surgical unitsRationale: The content of this discussion will discuss the practical and available hemodynamic values available at the medical surgical floor units. In most cases, non-invasive blood pressure, pulse, and pulse oximetry are the only available parameters for critical care unit areas. These hemodynamic values are an integral part in the delivery of standard care practices in many healthcare practices (Bodys-Pelka et al., 2021).Be able to demonstrate understanding the basic principles and basic principles of hemodynamics such Starling law, Fick PrinciplesRationale: The content of this discussion will provide the bedside nurse with a better understanding of the pathophysiological underpinnings and able to correlate the likely clinical condition of the patient. According to Sequeira & van der Velden (2017) the Starling Law influences myocardial muscles to create cardiac output and as expressed as NIBP and Fick Principle influence on the circulating blood (Gafton et al., 2020).Be able to demonstrate understanding the clinical significance of the hemodynamic values available at the medical-surgical floor units such as non – invasive blood pressure, mean arterial pressures, pulse oximetry.Rationale: The content of this discussion will provide the medical-surgical nurse the knowledge on the clinical significance of the hemodynamic values available to them in practice. Understanding the hemodynamic values and their significance is important information to help the medical-surgical nurse with the information or intervene appropriately (Gusmao-Flores et al., 2020).ReferencesBodys-Pełka, A., Kusztal, M., Boszko, M., Główczyńska, R., & Grabowski, M. (2021). Non-Invasive Continuous Measurement of Haemodynamic Parameters-Clinical Utility. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(21), 4929. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10214929Brener, M. I., Rosenblum, H. R., & Burkhoff, D. (2020). Pathophysiology and Advanced Hemodynamic Assessment of Cardiogenic Shock. Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal, 16(1), 7–15. https://doi.org/10.14797/mdcj-16-1-7Grafton, G., Cascino, T. M., Perry, D., Ashur, C., & Koelling, T. M. (2020). Resting Oxygen Consumption and Heart Failure: Importance of Measurement for Determination of Cardiac Output With the Use of the Fick Principle. Journal of cardiac failure, 26(8), 664–672. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2019.02.004Gusmao-Flores, D., Luz, M., & Barreto, B. B. (2020). Understanding hemodynamics with seven variables. Annals of translational medicine, 8(20), 1332. https://doi.org/10.21037/atm-20-5493Sequeira, V., & van der Velden, J. (2017). The Frank-Starling Law: a jigsaw of titin proportions. Biophysical reviews, 9(3), 259–267. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12551-017-0272-8Virág, M., Leiner, T., Rottler, M., Ocskay, K., & Molnar, Z. (2021). Individualized Hemodynamic Management in Sepsis. Journal of personalized medicine, 11(2), 157. https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm11020157