Postmodern 2024

Postmodern 2024

Postmodern 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

This is 2 separate discussions. Discussions need to be at least 250 words and please cite references.

Privilege is the flipside of prejudice 2024

Privilege is the flipside of prejudice 2024

Privilege is the flipside of prejudice 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

The focus of Chapter 9 is ‘Prejudice’. The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with the flipside of prejudice and discrimination. This concept is referred to as unearned privilege. There are many forms of unearned privilege (e.g., white, male, American, rich, Christian, pretty, English-speaking, tall, etc.

). Can you think of some ways that people who fall into the aforementioned groups have an easier time navigating the world? Some people suggest that systems of privilege are established acts of aggression against the downtrodden. What are your thoughts on the subject?You may have heard some discussion about this topic already (e.

g., a recent song featuring MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS FEAT. JAMILA WOODS – WHITE PRIVILEGE II: For some background, please feel free to view one or both of these videos:

htmlor this assignment, I want you to take a privilege test and write a brief reaction to your scores and the related implications. There are 3 steps:Step One: Take the privilege test: I have already took the test and uploaded my results below.

Step Two: Answer the following 5 questions in an enumerated list. Please do not copy and paste the questions into your paper.1) What were your scores?2) Before this point in your life, which have you thought about more, having ‘privileges’ compared to other people OR not having privileges compared to other people? Explain.

3) In your life, which of these (having privilege OR not having privilege) has impacted you the most? Explain.4) Comment on the types of things (e.g., employment, educational attainment, property ownership, involvement in politics, etc.) that could be predicted by people’s levels of privilege? Be specific and explain your answer(s).

5) Do you think that systems of privilege are established acts of aggression against the downtrodden? Explain.Step Three: Title the answers, “Privilege is the flipside of prejudice”.

Ethic and Psychology 2024

Ethic and Psychology 2024

Ethic and Psychology 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Research document on a selected case study with a case in which a therapist could be involved in an ethical situation. the work needs to have citations, in apa style .1 abstract page8 content pages1 conclusions1 page with 6 references

The Endocrine System Paragraph 2024

The Endocrine System Paragraph 2024

The Endocrine System Paragraph 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Discussion Thread topic: How does the Endocrine System in the body have a Psychological impact on the individual?In this thread you are to build the discussion from the topic above. Each student is to address the conversation with ONE full thought in a well designed and complete paragraph. Each student will be graded on the ONE paragraph, additional paragraphs are welcome in the conversation but only the first paragraph issued will be graded.

The grade per-paragraph/discussion will be five (5) points.Rules of the thread for students: Comments are remain in the realm of the conversation/topic. No comments are to attack, put down, or criticize other students. Academic rules still apply in all threads. Proper and good academic wording is to be used (no slang or fowl language).

Comments are to be well thought out and in a complete paragraph. A complete paragraph in a thread has at least 5 complete sentences with the following components. Introduction sentence, 3-5 sentences of the conversation/discussion, Conclusion sentence.