A Cultural Critique 2024

A Cultural Critique 2024

A Cultural Critique 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapters 2 and 3 of yourtextbook(Feenstra, 2013).  In addition, readCulture as Patterns: An Alternative Approach to the Problem of Reification(Adams and Markus, 2001) andCulture and the Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation(Markus and Kitayama, 1991).

Review instructor guidance

  Finally, review Instructor Guidance and Announcements.  In this discussion, you will consider patterns that have shaped your sense of self.  Be sure to use your own academic voice and apply in-text citations appropriately throughout your post.Identify some of the primary cultural influences in your life.

  (Note that culture can be defined broadly to include a number of dimensions.)Examine your sense of self.Would you characterize yourself as more independent or interdependent?  Why?  Identify specific examples that illustrate.  You might find it helpful to start by considering Figure 1 and Table 1 in Markus and Kitayama (1991).

Appraise the consequences of your self-construction.What are some of the implications of independence/interdependence (for cognition, emotion, motivation, etc.)?Analyze your responses to the Twenty Statements Test in the introduction (Post Your Introduction).Does your description fit with predictions of theory and research findings, as described by Markus and Kitayama (1991)?Post your initial response of 250 words or more by Day 3 (Thursday).

  Respond to at least two of your peers by Day 7 (Monday).  You are encouraged to post one or more of your required replies early each week (e.g., by Saturday) to stimulate more meaningful and interactive discourse in the discussion forum.  In addition, strive to provide a response to classmates who replied to your initial post and/or the Instructor (if applicable).

  Peer responses may vary in length but should be carefully crafted and insightful.  Below are some suggestions to assist your thinking.].

Psychology-statistics- need it today 2024

Psychology-statistics- need it today 2024

Psychology-statistics- need it today 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

1. A psychology professor of a large class became curious as to whether the students who turned in tests first scored differently from the overall mean on the test. The overall mean score on the test was 75 with a standard deviation of 10; the scores were approximately normally distributed. The mean score for the first 20 students to turn in tests was 78.

Average test score earned

Using the .05 significance level, was the average test score earned by the first 20 students to turn in their tests significantly different from the overall mean?Use the five steps of      hypothesis testing.Figure the confidence      limits for the 95% confidence interval.

almost done with it 2024

almost done with it 2024

almost done with it 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Quantitative ToolsMake sure the quantitative article that you selected in Unit 1 will allow you to thoroughly address all of the points required for this discussion. Using the information from this week’s readings, complete the following:Identify the instrument or instruments used to quantify the data, the level of measurement for each instrument, and the statistics used to analyze the data.

Possibilities include deductive logic

Identify and describe the constructs, variables, and operational definitions included in the research. Do not just list terms. Include a description of how the researcher defined these.Describe the cognitive tool used to interpret the data. Possibilities include deductive logic, inductive reasoning, scientific method, or critical thinking.

Discuss the usefulness of the operational definitions for the constructs in this study. How could they have been defined differently? Were the operational definitions sufficient to allow the researcher to answer the research question? Make sure to justify your answer.Explain the importance of operational definitions to scientific merit.

List the persistent link for the article in your response. Refer to the Persistent Links and DOIs guide, linked in Resources, to learn how to locate this information in the library databases.Cite all sources in APA style and provide an APA-formatted reference list at the end of your post. This is the persistent link for the article below.


Competency case dilemma 2024

Competency case dilemma 2024

Competency case dilemma 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Competency Case DilemmaIn a 1,050- to 1,400-word (or 3- to 4-page) paper (excluding references and title page), discuss a competency-related scenario or a case of your choice, either from our readings or related to a situation that you have encountered in which you address the specific steps you would take to embrace ethical practices in your work.

Moral problem related

In what ways does the scenario you have selected present an ethical, legal, professional, or moral problem related to competency issues? In what way does your professional code of conduct offer possible solutions or opportunities for resolution? What are the implications of your ethical decision-making and actions for the client in this case, for those related to the client, and for you as a professional? In addition to the required readings, cite at least two additional references.