Ethically Responsible and Irresponsible News Reporting 2024

Ethically Responsible and Irresponsible News Reporting 2024

Ethically Responsible and Irresponsible News Reporting 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Write a 750- to 1,100-word paper that contrasts ethically responsible and irresponsible news reporting.Answer the following questions:What is journalism’s ethical responsibility to society?When, if ever, is deception permissible in journalism?What ethical obligations do reporters have to their sources?Under what conditions is a journalist ethically obligated to maintain privacy?Illustrate your response to each question with at least two examples: one example of ethically responsible reporting and another example of ethically irresponsible reporting.

Conduct external research

Consider the following:Consider using contrasting examples of coverage of the same issue to highlight differences between journalistic practices that are ethically responsible and irresponsible. You may use case studies from any of the assigned chapters of Media Ethics, or you may conduct external research using popular news sources, issues, and coverage.

Remember that this assignment asks you to compare different approaches to news reporting; sources that simply provide opinion or commentary should not be used as examples.Reference at least two peer-reviewed articles.

Please read first ,2:1 it’s two parts to it no more the a paragraph to a page. What I offers is all I have. Please Seriously it’s only 2024

Please read first ,2:1 it’s two parts to it no more the a paragraph to a page. What I offers is all I have. Please Seriously it’s only 2024

Please read first ,2:1 it’s two parts to it no more the a paragraph to a page. What I offers is all I have. Please Seriously it’s only 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

This is just to give an ideaDiscussion: Child/Parent InteractionsTwo infants are born in the same inner-city hospital on the same day. One has loving, authoritative parents who provide a nurturing environment. There is open communication between the parents and the child. The other infant has parents who are abusive and neglectful.

Child/parent interactions

They have no interest in controlling the child’s behavior or monitoring the child’s activities. The first child grows up to overcome the challenges of the inner city and become a productive member of society, while the second is incarcerated by age 19.In this Discussion, you choose a case study in which you analyze the impact of child/parent interactions and address the likelihood of those interactions resulting in aggressive behavior.

This is the second part to the Post a response to the following:Describe the potential interaction of the child and parent in the case study you selected. Would this interaction have a positive or negative influence on the child? Why? Explain the logical outcome for the child. What type of interaction would more likely contribute to aggressive behavior? Justify your response by using the Learning Resources and other academic resources.

chosen Case Study #2Jane and Tom are a married couple in their early 30s. They enjoy successful careers, are financially stable, and have decided to adopt a baby. Jane has decided to take a break from her career to be a stay-at-home mom. Both Jane and Tom are calm, easygoing, and openly affectionate.

They are adopting a 14-month-old boy, Kevin, who was taken from his parents at 4 months of age because of neglect. Kevin’s 20-year-old birth mother has been addicted to drugs since she was 16. She did not use any drugs during her pregnancy, but she began using again after his birth. Kevin’s 28-year-old birth father is currently incarcerated for armed robbery and assault.

He has a history of aggressive behavior and was diagnosed with conduct disorder as a juvenile and antisocial personality disorder as an adult. Kevin displays some ability to seek out closeness with his adoptive parents; however, he also displays a somewhat volatile temperament, with periods of extreme emotional outbursts.




Psychology Assignment Help

For Observation Assignment A, you must pick one of the following Age Groups:(i CHOOSE CHILD)2. Child (2-10 years old)For the Age Group you selected you must complete an observation/interview of this child and the subsequent write up for the assignment.  Assignment specifics and requirements are contained in the Assignment Sheets for each age group.

Grading rubric attached

Adhere to the grading rubric attached to be sure your paper is formulated correctly and you have included all required components of the assignment.  This assignment requires you to have a signature and contact information for the person you observed.  You must have that information completed and scan the document to attach to your completed assignment or send to me in a separate email.

Ethical paper 2024

Ethical paper 2024

Ethical paper 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

American president***identify propaganda

In 250 wordsBased on the Film 1995****The American President***Identify propaganda or bias in the portrayal of the President.