Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 2024

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 2024

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Using the databases and the Research Methods research guide in the Ashford University Library, locate and read peer-reviewed articles about the features of qualitative research and quantitative research. Also read the full text of the study you selected in Week One. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research methods and terminology.

Citing specific clues

Specify which approach is used in the study. Explain whether the study is qualitative or quantitative by citing specific clues from the article, such as sample size, data collection techniques, the nature of the data collected, or the data analysis techniques used. Using information in the instructor guidance and Chapter 2 of the textbook, determine whether the research study you selected is non-experimental or experimental.

Explain your reasoning.Your paper must be a minimum of four pages (excluding title page) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. For more information about APA style, please see the Ashford Writing Center.

FolderM4 Assignment psy 2024

FolderM4 Assignment psy 2024

FolderM4 Assignment psy 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Hide Submission Folder InformationSubmission FolderM4 Assignment 2 SubmissionsInstructionsAssignment 2: Correlation and RegressionA human resources (HR) manager wants to know if annual performance review scores can be predicted by the number of vacation days taken during the year and the number of dependents an employee claims.

Performance review records

She randomly pulls the vacation, W-2, and performance review records of twenty employees. The data is presented below.EmployeeNumber of Vacation Days TakenNumber of DependentsOverall Performance Rating (from 1 [lowest] to 4 [highest])11022.921232.43104241522.351433.261251.971313.481532.191622.9101432.

4111342121222.3131133.2141051.9151313.4161332.1171422.9181833.4191743201403.3Using the above data, run a correlation matrix and then run a regression analysis in Microsoft Excel that will answer the human resources (HR) manager’s question. Examine the results and consider the implications. Write a 3- to 4-page paper based on the results and implications.

Make sure to include your data printout and justify your responses. In your paper, address the following questions:Identify the R-squared value for this data set, along with the R-value. Explain what each means.Describe what the F-test and the p value tell us in general and name each for these data sets and analyses.

Explain what can be learned from the multiple regression that may not be known from the correlation matrix.Justify whether performance review scores can be predicted by the number of days of vacation taken, dependents claimed, or vacation days taken in combination with the number of dependents. Support your position.

Describe any potential ethical or legal concerns related to this research. Provide a rationale backed by authoritative references to support your position.Your final product should include your Microsoft Excel computations and a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document. Utilize a minimum of three scholarly sources.

Use the following headings and subheadings to organize your paper:Defining and explaining conceptsPredictionR-squared and R-valueF-testp valueCorrelation coefficient versus regression weight (beta value)ResultsDiscussion and implications of resultsReferencesAppendix (Microsoft Excel printout)Submission Details:By the due date assigned, save your paper as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.

Microsoft excel computations

doc and Microsoft Excel computations as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.xls and submit these to the Submissions Area.

PSY research paper 5-6 pages due Friday, December 8th, 22:00pm est. 2024

PSY research paper 5-6 pages due Friday, December 8th, 22:00pm est. 2024

PSY research paper 5-6 pages due Friday, December 8th, 22:00pm est. 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Overview:Students will write a brief research review (5-7 pages double spaced) on a topic of their choosing, so long as it relates directly to Cognitive Psychology. This review must include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed research articles(you could find article on PsycInfo ). The paper is due on Friday, December 8th, 22:00pm est.

Can anyone do this paper for me? 2024

Can anyone do this paper for me? 2024

Can anyone do this paper for me? 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

1/2 page reflection

Go to the link below and watch the video. Write a 1 and 1/2 page reflection and summary.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9UOv5jPykg