Community Social Service Agencies and Resources 2024

Community Social Service Agencies and Resources 2024

Community Social Service Agencies and Resources 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Just as other areas of need and at-risk populations require additional resources and support, so do couples and families. As a helping professional, you will be required to be aware of and be able to evaluate the mental health services provided in your community, from treatment to primary preventative interventions.

Neglectchild/adolescent drug/alcohol abusedepressionidentify

For this Assignment, select one issue from the following list:substance abusedomestic violencechild abuse and neglectchild/adolescent drug/alcohol abusedepressionIdentify a resource in your own community that provides primary, secondary, and tertiary services or resources for the issue you selected. Then, consider any gaps that may exist and how you might address them.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)Identify the issue you selected.Describe the community resource you selected.Explain how it provides primary, secondary, and/or      tertiary services or resources specifically for families and couples.Explain any gaps that may exist.Explain how you might address these gaps.

Be specific.

Psychiatric Diagnosis 2024

Psychiatric Diagnosis 2024

Psychiatric Diagnosis 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Psychiatric DiagnosisFor this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer (2015) textbook Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, chosen in the Week One “Initial Call” discussion. This paper will include an in-depth overview of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, treatment options for the diagnosis, and a sound rationale that explains why this diagnosis was made.

Prior knowledge

Note that the diagnosis may include more than one psychiatric disorder.The paper must present a thorough overview of each disorder within the diagnosis. Assume the audience has no prior knowledge of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, and provide relevant and easy to understand explanations of each for the readers.

When writing the paper, it is critical to convey all the necessary information in a straightforward manner using non-technical language. (Reference the Professional Voice and Writing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource provided by the Ashford Writing Center for assistance.

) Support the analysis with at least five peer-reviewed sources published within the last ten years in addition to the course text.The Psychiatric Diagnosis topical paper must include the following:· Explain psychological concepts in the patient’s presentation using professional terminology. Identify symptoms and behaviors exhibited by the patient in the chosen case study.

· Match the identified symptoms to potential disorders in a diagnostic manual.· Propose a diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms and the criteria listed for the disorder(s) in the diagnostic manual.· Analyze and explain how the patient meets criteria for the disorder(s) according to the patient’s symptoms and the criteria outlined in the diagnostic manual.

· Justify the use of the chosen diagnostic manual (i.e., Why was this manual chosen over others?).· Summarize general views of the diagnosis from multiple theoretical orientations and historical perspectives. Include a discussion on comorbidity if the diagnosis includes more than one disorder.· Evaluate symptoms within the context of an appropriate theoretical orientation for this diagnosis.

· Use at least two peer-reviewed articles to assess the validity of this diagnosis, and describe who is most likely to have the diagnosis with regard to age, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Provide a brief evaluation of the scientific merit of these peer-reviewed sources in the validity assessment.

-evidence-based treatment options

· Summarize the risk factors (i.e., biological, psychological, and/or social) for the diagnosis. If one of the categories is not relevant, address this within the summary.· Compare evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment options for the diagnosis.· Evaluate well-established treatments for the diagnosis, and describe the likelihood of success or possible outcomes for each treatment.

· Create an annotated bibliography of five peer-reviewed references published within the last ten years to inform the diagnosis and treatment recommendations. In the annotated bibliography, write a two- to three-sentence evaluation of the scientific merit of each of these references. For additional assistance with this portion of the assignment, access the Ashford Writing Center’s Sample Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.

)Links to an external site..The Psychiatric Diagnosis· Must be 8 to 15 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..· Must include a separate title page with the following:o Title of papero Student’s nameo Course name and numbero Instructor’s nameo Date submitted· Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources published within the last 10 years in addition to the course text.

· Must include a separate annotated bibliography page.· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.

Clinical andepidemiological study

)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.References that must be used. Additional references are welcomedAl-Refu, K. (2013). Hair Loss in Children: Common and Uncommon Causes; Clinical andEpidemiological Study in Jordan. International Journal of Trichology.

DOI:10.4103/0974-7753.130393 Retrieved From, C.M. and Nelson-Gray, R.O. (2016). Treating Trichotillomania: Successful Applicationof Manualized Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

Clinical Case Studies. Retrieved From, C.M, Gnilka, P.B., Ashby, J.S. and McLaulin, S.E. (2017). Perfectionism, Shame, andTrichotillomania Symptoms in Clinical and Nonclinical Samples. Journal of Mental Health Counseling.

Retrieved from, Y., Maly, A., Horev, L. and Zlotogorski (2013). Familial Trichotillomania in ThreeGenerations. International Journal of Trichology. Retrieved From http://eds.

Sid=acb5fa9b-0055-4d62-aa4f-cefcf2fc735d%40pdc-v-sessmgr01walker, T. (2016). Trichotillomania — diagnosis and treatment: a trichologist’s approach.Dermatological Nursing. Retrieved from


600 word article psychology related 2024

600 word article psychology related 2024

600 word article psychology related 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

5 hours

Need done in the next 5 hours

No plag/ follow instructions!! APA format 2024

No plag/ follow instructions!! APA format 2024

No plag/ follow instructions!! APA format 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

In 1,000 words, provide a minimum of four personal examples to illustrate impression management, social tuning, social comparisons, mindsets, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, or causal theories.One example provided must address face to face versus written communication styles. Are there measures that can be taken when communicating nonverbally to improve self-presentation, impression management, attributional inferences, and cognitive biases?Each example provided should be based upon how your personal views were shaped by parents, teachers, friends, community, culture, etc.

Apa style guide

Each example should be supported by relevant research.Use two to three scholarly sources to support your thinking, your textbook can be used as one of the resources.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.