Current Mental Health Legislation 2024
Current Mental Health Legislation 2024
Current Mental Health Legislation 2024.
Psychology Assignment Help
Current Mental Health LegislationThis websiteby Mental Health America has compiled a list of mental health legislation. Use these sources to help you choose a stance on whether or not you believe there should be more legislation in place for adolescent mental health.Inspectlegislation to put in place to help aid in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in children and adolescents.
Mental health protections
Include each of the following points in your assignment:· Write a letter to your local newspaper or congressperson explaining whether or not you believe there should be more mental health protections for children.· Summarize some legislation from which you draw ideas· Describe any additions you would make to this piece of legislation and why you think this addition would be important· Explain if you think it is important to have mental health legislation and why you feel that way.