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Psychology Assignment Help

Customized Degree PlanIn the Unit 7 Assignment, you will use the information provided about the program and classes, combined with your intended career and academic goals. You will have an opportunity to select the elective classes for your Customized Psychology Degree Plan. This will give you a preliminary academic map and goals to work with throughout your study at Kaplan University.In this Assignment, you will choose the elective classes or clusters of electives that will personalize and customize your psychology degree plan. You may choose one of the sample elective class clusters or create your own. In addition there may be other individual electives you want to take.To help with your choices, review the Customized Psychology Degree Plan spreadsheets as well as the Unit 7 Readings on electives. The first step is to narrow your selection to a few of the sample elective class clusters, or create your own cluster by combining or deleting classes from the samples.Then, go to the Kaplan University course catalog and read the descriptions for all the courses in the cluster you have chosen or developed. These descriptions should help you to further understand the skills and knowledge that will be featured in the courses available. If you do not have a course catalog, you can access the full catalog from your student webpage by following these directions:Go to the Kaplan student webpage.Select Documents & Forms on the right information bar.Under Academic Calendars and Catalog’s click on University Catalog.Under Find a Program choose your program.This Assignment has two parts: Part I is the actual Customized Degree Plan Excel spreadsheet in which you have selected your electives. Part II asks you to explain the reasoning behind your choices.Part I: Please submit your completed Customized Psychology Degree Plan (Excel spreadsheet), indicating the elective courses you chose to complete your degree. You complete this by entering your choices in the open electives cells highlighted in green on the BSP tab. Also, in some of the yellow cells for General Education classes, you need to make a choice between two or more provided options. Be sure to enter your name in the allotted cell (very top of the document), save your document, and submit per the instructions below.Part II: To complete this portion of the Assignment, answer each of the questions about your Customized Degree Plan using the provided template and answer the following questions:What Degree Plan have you chosen and why?What elective classes have you selected?Why did you choose this class?What skills and knowledge you will get from the class?How this class will help you in the future as a professional?Answer each question in paragraph form. Your responses should be double-spaced, using 12 pt. Arial font and Standard American English. Since you have not completed College Composition I yet, it is not required that you use APA format in writing your paper. Your answers will be based on your thoughts and, therefore, will not require outside citations. However, if you do cite outside references, you will have to provide the source information. In addition, assignments should demonstrate careful proofreading.Keep in mind that college students are expected to have strong writing skills, and you should put forth your best writing effort for this Assignment. You may not be at a point where you have strong writing skills, but you will have every opportunity to develop them as you continue through your program of study.