Human Versus Non-human Capital and Societal Power /Information and Surveillance Technologies 2024
Human Versus Non-human Capital and Societal Power /Information and Surveillance Technologies 2024
Human Versus Non-human Capital and Societal Power /Information and Surveillance Technologies 2024.
Psychology Assignment Help
Question 1:Human- vs Non-human CapitalThink of an example in your life where human capital was in conflict with non-human capital and describe it. Which had the power advantage in your example, and why?Question 2:Does privacy really matter to you? Why or why not?Required ReadingsAllen, A. ( 2009). Driven into society: philosophies of surveillance take to streets of New York.
Amsterdam Law Forum. 1 (4), 35-40. Retrieved from, C. (2009). Selling my soul to the digital world?. Amsterdam Law Forum, 1(4), 7-10. Retrieved from, S. D. (2004). European trends in privacy: how can we increase internet security and protect individual privacy?.
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2 (2), 25-29. Retrieved from$/sci/pdfs/P282885.pdfShiffman, G., & Ravi, G. (2013). Crowdsourcing cyber security: a property rights view of exclusion and theft on the information commons. International Journal of the Commons, 7(1), 92-112.
Retrieved from (2014, October). Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters [Video file]. Retrieved from vs Non-human CapitalThink of an example in your life where human capital was in conflict with non-human capital and describe it.