need in 14 hours max 2024

need in 14 hours max 2024

need in 14 hours max 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Explaining a process to someone else can enhance your own understanding. In this assignment, you will gain a better understanding of the helping skills necessary to facilitate the intake and assessment procedures.Imagine you are training a new human service worker on the intake and assessment process at a correctional facility.

Intake interviewing

You must outline the elements of intake interviewing and explain the skills that it will take to facilitate the assessment process with clients.Create a 700- to 1,050-word manual for your trainee, in which you:Describe the purpose of the intake interview.Explain the elements involved in intake interviewing.

Describe the assessment process.Describe the skills needed to facilitate the assessment process.Include a minimum of 2 sources.Format any citations within your manual according to APA guidelines.