Please help Don’t waste my time or yours I need at lest an A, B, I need these three assigment did Please read all assigments , No plagiarism . Please look at the grading rubric . Read all of the instructions. 2024
Please help Don’t waste my time or yours I need at lest an A, B, I need these three assigment did Please read all assigments , No plagiarism . Please look at the grading rubric . Read all of the instructions. 2024
Please help Don’t waste my time or yours I need at lest an A, B, I need these three assigment did Please read all assigments , No plagiarism . Please look at the grading rubric . Read all of the instructions. 2024.
Psychology Assignment Help
Assignment 3: Individual Research TaskIndividual Research: OverviewAs a forensic psychology professional, you need to critically analyze statutory and case laws related to psycholegal issues and correctly apply the knowledge from your analysis in your work. The individual research course projects will provide you with the opportunity to analyze the landmark cases related to psycholegal issues.
Landmark legal case
In Module 1, identify at least one landmark legal case or court decision for each of these important psycholegal areas: CST, criminal responsibility (MSO), the right to mental health treatment, the right to refuse psychiatric treatment, coercion to mental health treatment, and participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders.
Critically analyze the essence of the selected cases.You may be asking what it means to discuss the “essence” of a court decision. The essence of a court decision involves two things: (1) the issue under dispute and (2) how the court decided that issue. You can usually summarize this information in one or two paragraphs.
Remember that you need to identify the final decision by the highest court. Landmark cases are almost always the cases that have been appealed to higher courts for a ruling on an issue of law.Looking AheadThrough Modules 2 and 3, you should continue to conduct research on professional literature to find additional information regarding the selected cases to create a case report.
Note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).You may refer to the following links for additional information:Landmark Cases of the US Supreme CourtSupreme Court of the U.
S.GoogleUS Supreme Court CenterIn M4 Assignment 2, you will create and submit a case report for each case related to competency and criminal responsibility right to treatment, right to refuse treatment, coercion, and participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders. You are highly encouraged to work on these case reports on a weekly basis and not wait until Module 4 to complete.
Write each case report in 2–3 paragraphs, providing your analysis and interpretation of the case. In addition, analyze the roles and responsibilities of a forensic psychology professional in the circumstances presented in each case.Click here to view a sample case report, which you will use as a template in your M4 Assignment 2 to write your case reports.
Research specific cases
Note: Remember that you do not need to use the sample report in this assignment. You only need to write about the essence of the case. You will utilize the sample case format in Module 4.Landmark Case SelectionIn this assignment, you will research specific cases, describe the essence of each case, and critically analyze how each relates to the practice of forensic psychology.
Click here to view a list of landmark cases.Tasks:Select one case for each of the following six legal areas:CSTCriminal responsibility (MSO)Right to receive mental health treatmentRight to refuse psychiatric treatmentCoercion to mental health treatmentParticipation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offendersConduct individual research from professional literature to critically analyze the essence of the selected cases in forensic psychology.
Note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov). Present your choices, as well as your critical analysis of the essence of each case, in 2- to 3-paragraphs in a Microsoft Word document.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Submission Details:By the due date assigned, save your documents as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area.Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsArticulated the essence of each selected case related to the six legal areas.
100due date5 assignment 1 discussiondiscussion topicassignment 1
80Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100Due Date5 Assignment 1 DiscussionDiscussion TopicAssignment 1: Assault in the City: CST and Criminal Responsibility at the Time of OffenseClick here to study a vignette.
Assault in the CityThe chief asks Dr. Johnson to conduct a competency to stand trial (CST) evaluation and a criminal responsibility evaluation, referred to as the mental state at the time of an offense (MSO), of the defendant. Dr. Johnson must report her findings to the court. She has already seen media publicity suggesting the prosecutor is going to play “hard ball” and wants to try the young man as an adult and seek the longest possible prison sentence.
The chief recommends a CST evaluation and an MSO evaluation so, as he says, “nothing will come back to bite them” after the trial. Although she finds the young man’s alleged behavior reprehensible, she feels confident she can conduct an objective evaluation.She has interviewed the individual and understands his low intelligence quotient (IQ) and dysfunctional family background as mitigating factors.
Although she does not wish to advocate for the defendant, she feels he may not be competent to go to trial. She prepares to conduct the CST and MSO evaluations. However, the day before the examination is scheduled, her fifteen-year-old daughter tells her the man was a “friend” on her computer social network.
Evaluations objectively
She recognized his face from the news and told her mother after her mother mentioned she was working on this case.The daughter denies having ever met the man and states her page is set so “anyone can be my friend; it doesn’t mean I know them!” Dr. Johnson must now conduct the evaluations objectively, although she feels her daughter may have been threatened.
She realizes this connection is insufficient to withdraw from the case.Tasks:On the basis of the vignette you read, respond to the following:Define competency to stand trial and indicate the standard used for juvenile and adult competency. Discuss the landmark case(s) relevant to competency determinations.
Describe the elements or issues that a mental health professional usually focuses on when assessing a person’s competence to stand trial.On the basis of the information you have from the vignette, provide an opinion on the defendant’s competence to stand trial.Submission Details:By the due date assigned , post your responses to this Discussion Area.
Through the end of the module, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. While responding, compare the similarities and differences between what you have constructed and what your classmates have.Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsQuality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions16Quality of responses to classmates12Frequency of responses to classmates4Reference to supporting readings and other materials4Language and grammar4Total:40* M5 Assignment 2 LASA Submission Assignment Due November 6 at 10:59 PMAssignment 2: LASA: Assault in the City: Trial, Sentencing, and Appeal* Click here to study a vignette.
Assistant district attorney
Assault in the CityThe defendant has been found guilty of three counts of sexual battery. The other witnesses were reluctant to testify, and the assistant district attorney (ADA) felt that the three counts would suffice for a lengthy prison sentence. However, the defendant is seventeen years old. Dr.
Shayleigh Johnson has been asked to evaluate him to assist in the sentencing. The defendant can be sentenced to adult prison or juvenile corrections. Dr. Johnson is asked to evaluate his amenability to treatment, conduct a risk assessment, and recommend what, if any, treatment should be pursued.Tasks:On the basis of the vignette you read, write a paper supported by appropriate, peer-reviewed sources and case law that responds to the following:* Define risk of dangerousness and discuss the relevant landmark court cases relevant to this psycholegal issue.
* Discuss the relevance of the defendant’s age to a risk of dangerousness assessment.* Describe the elements or issues that a mental health professional usually focuses on when assessing a person’s risk of dangerousness.* On the basis of the information you have from the vignette, provide an opinion on the defendant’s risk of dangerousness.
* Define insanity and discuss the relevant landmark court cases relevant to this psycholegal issue.* Discuss the relevance, if any, of the defendant’s age to a determination of mental status at the time of the offense.* Describe the elements or issues that a mental health professional usually focuses on when assessing a person’s mental status at the time of the offense.
Potential ethical concerns
* Discuss the potential ethical concerns that may be encountered by a forensic professional in the evaluation and assessment of each of these psycholegal issues.* Discuss the potential impact of an individual’s culture in the evaluation and assessment of each of these psycholegal issues.* On the basis of the information you have from the vignette, provide an opinion on the defendant’s likelihood of using an insanity defense.
* Use resources from professional literature to support your analysis. The professional literature may include relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).* All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
* Submission Details:*** By the due date assigned,save your paper as M5_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area.* This LASA is worth 300 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.* Assignment ComponentProficientMaximum Points PossibleDescribe the psycho-legal standards and/or definitions for risk of dangerousness and insanity.
The description and definitions provided were brief, yet clear and accurately stated.64Identify and describe one or more landmark case(s) for each standard (at least two cases total).The discussion of the landmark cases was brief yet clear and accurately stated.64Onthe basis of the information from the vignette, provide an opinion on the defendant’s risk of dangerousness and insanity.
The opinion provided was brief yet clearly and accurately related to the case vignette.64Discuss the potential ethical concerns that may be encountered by a forensic professional in the evaluation and assessment of each of these psycholegal issues.The discussion provided was brief yet clear and accurately related to the case vignette.
40academic writing writing
40Discuss the potential impact of an individual’s culture in the evaluation and assessment of each of these psycholegal issues.The discussion of the impact of the defendant’s culture was brief yet clear and accurately related to the case vignette.40Academic Writing Writing is generally clear and in an organized manner.
It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.
Writing is generally clear and in an organized manner.
It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.