project 2024

project 2024

project 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Your Instructions for the project are:For this week’s Assignment, you will be working with a learning team to create a PowerPoint presentation describing in detail the roles of the judge, the prosecutor, and the defense counsel in the case of Peggy Hettrick.The Assignment requires your team to choose what role they would be interested in preparing a presentation on, the judge, the prosecutor or the defense counsel.

Create a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation incorporating the following elements:·                 The judge is an elected or appointed public official who presides over a court of law and who is authorized to hear, sometimes to decide cases, and to conduct trials. Identify the judge’s actions in the courtroom and how they apply to the case (minimum 3 slides).

·                 The prosecutor is the decision-making power of prosecutors is based upon the wide range of choices available to them, in the handling of criminal defendants, the scheduling of cases for trial, and the acceptance of negotiated pleas. Identify the defense’s actions in the courtroom and how they apply to the case (minimum 3 slides).

·                 The defense counsel is a licensed trial lawyer hired or appointed to conduct the legal defense of a person accused of a crime and to represent him or her before a court of law. Identify the prosecutor’s actions in the courtroom and how they apply to the case (minimum 3 slides).

Use examples to support your rationale.Incorporate speaker notes into each slide for a complete description of the items highlighted in your slides.Include a title slide and a reference slide.Cite a minimum of three references consistent with APA guidelines.Refer to the direction icons for best practices in PowerPoint presentations.

Team Assignment DirectionsComplete the Team Peer Evaluation Chart located in Doc Sharing to assess all team members work throughout the duration of the week.85% of the total points available for the Team Assignment are associated with the team submission and 15% of the total points are associated with quality of individual contribution.

You will assess your team members and they will assess you using the feedback Team Peer Evaluation. The professor will not share your peer evaluation feedback with others, though you may choose to ask teammates to share their perceptions with you, so you can improve upon your team contribution.Save your PowerPoint Assignment as Groupname-CJ101_Assignment-Unit6.

extension. Have a designated group member go to the Drop Box.Submit your Assignment by selecting the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 6. Your grade will be a result of your group work and your peer evaluation.Submit your Peer Evaluation by selecting the Unit 6: Assignment in the Dropbox by the end of Unit 6.