PSYC 426 UNIT 5 IP 2024

PSYC 426 UNIT 5 IP 2024

PSYC 426 UNIT 5 IP 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

1,500–2,000 words, including time line*I HAVE ATTACHED LAST WEEKS ASSIGNMENT, THIS IS THE MODEL FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT*Key AssignmentParts 1–4Please review and revise the sections of your Leadership Style Action Plan that you submitted last week. Consider any modifications to the work that you submitted based on feedback from your instructor and colleagues in Week 4.

Proof and finalize these sections of the plan.Part 1: Your Leadership VisionReview information about how to write a leadership vision statement.What is a leader’s vision, and why is it important?In 25 words or less, write your vision statement, articulating your leadership goal based on what you learned about leadership in the past few weeks.

Part 2: Your Leadership GoalsGoals represent your specific plan on how to enhance your leadership skills.Provide an assessment of your existing leadership competencies from Weeks 1 and 2.In 500 words, list and describe your 5 top leadership goals.Explain how they contribute to your vision statement.Part 3: Action PlanSetting goals is one way of learning to translate your visions into realities and action.

Write 700–1,000 words describing your action plan for leadership, and explain how you will reach your goals.The narrative part of the plan should include any formal and informal educational opportunities such as books, courses, or symposiums.Use 1 real-world situation from your past, and identify how changing 1 thing about your leadership style may have led to a different outcome.

Explain other ways in which you will work on your leadership goals.The graphic part of the plan should include a creative visual time line, including milestones, that depicts how you will accomplish your goals. Use visuals, words, illustrations, and so forth to show your plan.Part 4: Leadership Ethics and IntegrityOne critical part of a leader’s role is ethics and integrity.

As you prepare your action plan, consider the ethics of leadership. Effective leaders inspire trust through their behaviors and personal integrity. Consider some of the characteristics of your own ethical behaviors and leadership integrity, and add this section to your Leadership Style Action Plan this week.

Write 300–500 words about the 2 most important values of leadership: ethics and integrity.How will you maintain high standards of integrity as a leader?Add the following section to your final Key Assignment.Part 5: Tracking SuccessThis portion of the plan should detail how you will monitor your progress over time.

Now that you have a leadership plan, discuss how the structure and hierarchy of the organization impacts your success as a leader.Include 3 benchmarks for monitoring your progress on the goals set forth in your Key Assignment draft from Week 4.Include a concluding statement of your commitment to accomplishing your leadership goals and lifelong learning.

This section should be 300–500 words.Please provide APA citations and references to support your work.Please submit your assignment.