psychology/lifespan discussion 2024

psychology/lifespan discussion 2024

psychology/lifespan discussion 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Respond to the Discussion topic below. Your original response should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned Readings for the week. Remember, this is your chance to illustrate not only your understanding, but also your mastery of the materials for the unit.

Carefully select your words so that your responses contain a balance between theory, experience, and your thoughts. Limit the use of direct quotes and describe the ideas in your own words instead. Include specific citations when necessary and attempt to make each post additive in nature (add new and relevant information to your Discussion).

In this Discussion, you will apply developmental theories to infant and toddler development.Discussion TopicSelect one of the following theories from your Reading, explain the theory and how it relates to infant and toddler development, and write a short scenario that exemplifies the theory. Once you have written your scenario, read those of your classmates and discuss how you would help the hypothetical client in these scenarios.

Practice using your understanding of infant/toddler developmental theories in your responses to your classmates and pretend that you are a therapist assigned to work with the client in each scenario.Theories used in the sample: nonorganic failure to thrive, separation anxiety, language development issuesSample scenario: TomTom is a 2-year-old male whose parents work many hours during the week.

While his parents work during the week, he stays with his grandmother, who has difficulty keeping up with him throughout the day. She spends much of her time ignoring him by watching television instead of playing with him. When Tom’s parents brought him to you, he seemed to be very small for a child his age and showed some severe developmental delays.

He did not speak many words and did not seem to be putting together sentences yet. His parents brought him to you because he screams and yells every morning when his mother leaves him at his grandmother’s house.