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Psychology Assignment Help

Discussion 1posted 1 day ago (last edited 4 hours ago)Anisa Ali Discussion 9COLLAPSE•   Name: Andrew “Andy” Davis.•   Age: 6 years, 0 months.•   Mother: Emily Davis, single parent.•   Sibling: Molly.•   Recent changes: Relocation to a smaller house, father abandoned family.

Frequent intense imaginative play

•   Referral concerns (reported by mother): Frequent intense imaginative play, significantly reduced social interactions, talks to self in his room, destroys toys (for example, rips arms of dolls), falls frequently, and concerns that he fell down stairs (with no open head injury) at the new house (that is, Andy reported falling down and off staircase railing).

The standard test battery includes motor, personality test, and memory test. The three tests that I chose for Andy’s is the WISC-V Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth edition, PIC-2 Personality Inventory for Children second edition, CASD- Checklist for Autism Spectrum, and BASC-3 Behavior Assessment system for Children.

These tests would be good for the neurological concerns the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children fifth edition has a wide variety of responses that is used for neurological concerning and required to make this test very useful. (Cohen &Swerdilk 2018 p.486) The WISC-V has a low score for the neurological deficit this can be used to help Andy with neurological concerns.

The second test BASC-3 test is used for teachers and parents to rate identifying the difficulties on 16 scales ranging the activities of the daily living study skills. (Cohen & Swerdilk 2018 p.336) This test is for ages 2-18 that can be used to determine a child behavior and emotional concerns in adolescents and a sign of autism (Dever 2020).

Andy appears to have a sign of behavioral problems based on the test BASC-3. The CASD is a test that can determine if a child has autism this test is used for ages 1-16. The test can be administrated by parents or teachers. (Mayes 2012) I will use the CASD to determine if Andy has autism this test is 15 mins that can be done at home or school setting.

The last test I recommend is the PIC-2 Personality Inventory for Children-2 this test is performed on ages 5-19 years of age and the test can be administrated by parents and care takers. (Lachar & Gruber1977- 2001) The PIC-2 test asks questions about any family conflict and social introversion.

Neuropsychological cognitive examination

(Lacher & Gruber1977-2001) This test will be good for Andy to take to determine what cause his behavior to trigger.AERAStandard 9.3The prior to the adoption and the use of a published test the test users should study and evaluate the materials that provides by the test developer. (AERA 2014) Andy and his mom should know that the neurological test for Andy to be diagnosed that there are several assessment that must be performed before Andy can be diagnosedI have found that the Brief Neuropsychological Cognitive Examination (BNCE) is not an appropriate test for Andy.

Andy is only six years old, and I have discovered BNCE is targeted for ages 18 years of age and older. The BNCE is ideal for evaluating patients cognitive status with psychiatric disorders or psychiatric manifestations of neurological diseases (WPS, 2018). This test would not be appropriate for Andy since he is not diagnosed with either.

 Standard 9.2 states that before adopting and using a published test, the test user should study and evaluate the test developer’s materials (AERA, 2014). Particularly important is defining the test takers’ intended population, which Dr. Pride did not do if he was implementing BNCE to Andy, who is six years old, and the tests target ages 18 and older.

The coverage that BNCE covers does not pertain to Andy either, which needs to be considered when administering an assessment. The CASD (Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder) would be more suitable and would efficiently assess Andy, since it is a Level C test a credential professional can appropriately diagnose Andy if he is on the spectrum.

Neuropsychological cognitive examination™

References(BNCE™) Brief Neuropsychological Cognitive Examination™. WPS. (2018).Mayes, S. D. (2017). Brief Report: Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Most Discriminating Items for Diagnosing Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(3), 935–939., D.

, & Gruber, C. P. (1977-2001). Development of the Personality Inventory for Youth: A Self-Report Companion to the Personality Inventory for Children. Journal of Personality Assessment, 61(1), 81–98., B. V., & Gaier, K. (2020). Psychometric Properties of the Behavior Assessment System for Children-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Student-Report Form among a Predominantly Latinx Elementary School Sample.

 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 073428292095106. Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education (2014). Standard for educational and psychological testingDiscussion 2posted 3 days ago (last edited 6 hours ago)Cindy Tschetter Discussion 9COLLAPSEFirst of all, I would refer him to a neurologist for screening to eliminate the possibility of medical reasoning for Andy’s frequent falling.

  Out of concern for his own physical safety, I would like to know there isn’t something underlying going on, like a developing seizure disorder.Then I would turn my focus to his personality; struggling social skills and destructive behaviors.  Hoping to gain a little bit of the parent’s insight, I would turn to a children’s personality test, like the Personality Inventory for Children – Second Edition (PIC-2).

Simple dichotomous true/false scale based

  It’s a simple dichotomous true/false scale based on parental response  (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2020).To really examine the behaviors, I would use one of my favorite tests (and the test I wish I had chosen for my term project) the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment.  The ASEBA is used to assess behavioral, emotional, and social problems in children 1 ½ and up.

  It helps to find the best things about the client and how to use them to help them overcome their struggles (ASEBA, 2020).Looking at his adaptive behaviors, I would choose to administer the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System 3, or ABAS-3.  The ABAS-3 was designed for birth through 89 years, so it would be age-appropriate.

  Rating forms would be filled out by parent and teacher assessing relevant domains.  Among the domains covered are daily living skills related to learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments (ATP, 2020).  These would help examine mom’s neurological and physical concerns.

I would argue that this test would not be a good fit for Andy’s situation.  The Brief Neuropsychological Cognitive Examination, or BNCE, is best recommended for ages 18 and up. Our client is 6.  He does not have the reading level required. AERA states, the test must be used for whom it was designed for, or “define the intended population” according to standard 9.

Developmental neuropsychological assessment-ii

2 (AERA, 2014).In order to further evaluate his neuropsychological functions, I would use A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment-II, otherwise known as NEPSY-II.  It is age-appropriate and examines 6 areas of concern; Executive Functioning, Language, Memory & Learning, Sensorimotor, Visuospatial Processing, and Social Perception (Pearson, 2020).

  This evaluation of his sensorimotor and visuospatial processing and functioning might lead to an explanation of his falling.  In addition, realizing his social perceptions might be able to make us aware of why his social interactions have decreased.Cindy TschetterAchenbach System of Empirically Based Assessments.

  (2020).  www.ASEBA.orgAmerican Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & NationalCouncil on Measurement in Education. (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. American Educational Research Association.Academic Therapy Assessments.  (2020)  www.

academictherapy.comCohen, Ronald J., Swerdlik, M. (2018). Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introductionto Tests and Measurement, 9th Edition.Pearson Assessments. (2020). www.pearsonassessments.