Social Psychology A9 2024

Social Psychology A9 2024

Social Psychology A9 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

Assignment 9Essays Part II:Your  writing should illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original  personal and/or professional integration of the assigned text material.  All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be  written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness, and  clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your  work.

Material presented

You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite  your work according to APA format. Legal, ethical, and cultural  considerations must be included when applicable.Please discuss each question “in your own understanding” using and citing the course text to support your discussions.

Your answers to each question should be approx. 1 pageperquestion.Your entire assignment must be 4-5 pages totalplusa title and reference page.6.   Identify and briefly describe three different persuasion techniques  based on the principles of consistency and/or commitment. Give an original example  [not one from the text] of each.

7.   Identify some of the individual and situational factors that make people  more or less likely to help others. Who helps the most, and in what  cases (whom) are they especially likely to help?8.   Briefly discuss gender differences in helping behavior. Are males and  females different in terms of their overall levels of empathy, the  degree to which they render help to others, or the kinds of situations  in which they help?9.

  Briefly explain the differences between antisocial behavior,  aggression, and violence, as defined in the textbook. Then explain the  distinction between hostile aggression and instrumental aggression, and  give an original example [not in the text] of each.10.   Identify five different factors (person-level factors or situation-level  factors) that contribute to aggression, and briefly discuss when and  how they tend to exert influence.