Week 10 Assignment 2 2024

Week 10 Assignment 2 2024

Week 10 Assignment 2 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

I need this completed 02/04/21 by 5pm.Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resources on your own before you bid. Main reference comes from Sinacola, R. S., Peters-Strickland, T., & Wyner, J. D. (2020). You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation regarding treatment.

Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas. Remember to use scholarly research from peer-reviewed articles that are current.Sources such as Wikipedia, Ask.

com, PsychCentral, and similar sites are never acceptable.Please remember that resources used must be from peer-reviewed resources such as academic journals. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas.

Please follow the example to get full credit for the assignment.Assignment – Week 10In the world of counseling, many clients come to their first session either (a) already taking psychopharmaceutical medications for specific disorders previously diagnosed by a psychiatrist or other prescriber, or (b) in need of a psych eval to determine the actual diagnosis and potential psychopharmaceutical options for stabilization.

It can be a bit overwhelming when working with clients to know which responses are being influenced by the client’s presenting issues and which responses are being influenced by the medications they are on. Creating a medication reference guide is a learning tool that will provide you with a valuable information about the various medications—in a format that makes sense to you—so you are able to navigate psychopharmaceutical medications within the scope of counseling and integrative, collaborative behavioral healthcare.

The goal of this reference guide is for you to create a meaningful, easily accessible reference guide—and relevant project—that produces a tool you will be able to use in your internships as you progress toward licensure. While there is required information that you must find for each medication of the reference guide, feel free to let your learning styles shine through, and use your creative side to organize the information by adding color-coded sections, pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, website resources, articles, videos, or other elements that you would refer to when a client presents with a specific medication or options for medications.

This tool is meant to be a living document that you can add to on an ongoing basis, as you learn new information in the field.Now that you have explored substance use disorders, add the medication information specific to the category of substance use disorders to your Psychopharmaceutical Reference Guide (PRG).

For the category of substance use disorders, the template lists eight medications that are prescribed in this category:buprenorphinenaltrexonenaloxonemethadonebupropionacamprosatetopiramatedisulfiramThe template for the PRG lists the required information you will need to enter for each medication.The template is located in the Week 1 Learning Resources.

By Day 7Submit Part 2 of your Psychopharmaceutical Reference Guide. Now all the categories should be complete:Part 1 (submitted in Week 6):AntidepressantsMood StabilizersAnticonvulsantsAnxiolyticsPart 2:AntipsychoticsSleep AidsADHD medicationsSUD medications (used for substance use disorders)The template for the PRG lists the required information you will need to enter for each medication.

For each category, the template identifies major classes within that category, when applicable. Under each class, you must include at least three commonly prescribed medications within that class. You can include more than three if you would like – remember this is supposed to be a tool you can continue to use as you progress toward licensure.