3 Part Final Project- VAL 2024

3 Part Final Project- VAL 2024

3 Part Final Project- VAL 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

(1) Final Project: Topic SelectionInstructions: identify the topic for your final project. It is brief, but requires some thought and a little research.· First, identify a moral issue in your local community. You may find this in a number of ways, including direct experience in your local community, a local newspaper, local radio, etc.

400 words long explain

· In a paper at least 400 words long explain how the issue you have chosen is a moral issue.· Provide at least two references that show you will be able to do research on this issue.(2) Final Project: DevelopmentInstructions: In a paper of between 400 and 800 words provide the following overview of your final project.

· State the position you will support.· Sketch the relevant background for the issue.· Sketch the argument you will make in the paper supporting your position. Mention at least 2 authors/ideas/theories found in this course which you will use in the final composition.· Give at least one objection that an opponent to your position may offer.

· Briefly, how will you respond to your opponent?(3) Final Project: PaperInstructions: This is a 1,200-1,700 word analytical paper on a local issue that you isolate and develop. You will have the topic approved in week 4. You will choose a moral issue, consider and fairly state opposing views on this issue and offer a clear argument in support of one of those views.

The paper will apply moral theories using logical analysis, in order to demonstrate your understanding of complex real world moral issues. The paper will use the elements of philosophical reasoning to identify and analyze a moral issue in the local community thereby demonstrating the relevance of philosophical thinking to everyday life.

See the grading rubric for more details.