Analysis and Profile of Gang or Social Group 2024

Analysis and Profile of Gang or Social Group 2024

Analysis and Profile of Gang or Social Group 2024.

Psychology Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will submit your final analysis and profile of a selected gang or social group. Review the course project information to ensure you have met the requirements for your final project.Other RequirementsYour paper should meet the following requirements:Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

10–12 double-spaced pages

Proof read your paper prior to submission.APA format: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.Number of references: A minimum of eight scholarly references from appropriate periodicals, newspapers, and journals.Length of paper: 10–12 double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references.

Font and font size: Times or Times New Roman, 12 point.Format: Break your paper into sections for each of the following areas and label exactly as indicated:Title page.Table of contents.Introduction.Analysis.Conclusion.References.